Minimizing Susceptibility-Induced BOLD Sensitivity Loss in Multi-Band accelerated fMRI using Point Spread Function Mapping and Gradient Reversal
}?> }?>- Vol, Page
- 68(2):025012
- Impact Factor
- Year
- 2023
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- 377회 연결
- Objective: Interleaved reverse-gradient fMRI (RG-fMRI) with a point-spread-function (PSF)mapping-based distortion correction scheme has the potential to minimize signal loss in echoplanar-imaging (EPI). In this work, the RG-fMRI is further improved by imaging protocoloptimization and application of reverse Fourier acquisition
- Approach: Multi-band imaging was adapted for RG-fMRI to improve the temporal and spatialresolution. To better understand signal dropouts in forward and reverse EPIs, a simple theoreticalrelationship between echo shift and geometric distortion was derived and validated by the reliablemeasurements using PSF mapping method. After examining practical imaging protocols for RGfMRI in three subjects on both a conventional whole-body and a high-performance compact3T, the results were compared and the feasibility to further improve the RG-fMRI schemewere explored. High-resolution breath-holding RG-fMRI was conducted with nine subjects onthe compact 3T and the fMRI reliability improvement in high susceptibility brain regions wasdemonstrated. Finally, reverse Fourier acquisition was applied to RG-fMRI, and its benefit wasassessed by a simulation study based on the breath-holding RG-fMRI data.
- Main Results: The temporal and spatial resolution of the multi-band RG-fMRI became feasiblefor whole-brain fMRI. Echo shift measurements from PSF mapping well estimated signal dropouteffects in the EPI pair and were useful to further improve the RG-fMRI scheme. Breath-holdingRG-fMRI demonstrated improved fMRI reliability in high susceptibility brain regions. Reversepartial Fourier acquisition omitting the late echoes could further improve the temporal or spatialresolution for RG-fMRI without noticeable signal degradation and spatial resolution loss.
- Significance: With the improved imaging scheme, RG-fMRI could reliably investigate thefunctional mechanisms of the human brain in the temporal and frontal areas suffering fromsusceptibility-induced functional sensitivity loss.